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mops watch

Watch Motoko files and check for syntax errors, warnings, run tests, generate declarations and deploy canisters

mops watch

By default, mops watch will:

  • Check for syntax errors
  • Check for warnings
  • Run tests
  • Generate declarations for Motoko canisters
  • Deploy Motoko canisters to the local replica



Check Motoko files for syntax errors.

Always enabled.

mops watch --error


Check Motoko files for warnings.

mops watch --warning


Run Motoko tests.

mops watch --test


Generate declarations for Motoko canisters from dfx.json that have declarations field.

mops watch --generate


Deploy Motoko canisters to the local replica.

mops watch --deploy


Check syntax errors, show warnings, run tests, generate declarations and deploy canisters

mops watch

Check syntax errors and show warnings

mops watch --warning

Check syntax errors, run tests, generate declarations and deploy canisters

mops watch --test --generate --deploy


mops watch -tgd